sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011


(Carbon manufacturing)
Step. 1-R: Review the history, background and details of the case    One unemployed man receives a notice from a friend that ho tells him about a strike in a Carbon Manufacturing Company that really needs workers. They were offering jobs whit the only condition that you never join in a union.
Step. 2- E: State the main ethical problem or issue present in the case.

            Here we have a situation, I mean it involves confrontation, because his father and people near him was lived the benefits when you are in a union. Our world changes every minute and everything that happened is for make a new one difference.
                                                                                                Step.3- S: List the main possible solution to the case
                He need forgot his father and his friends, the loyalty that he had to all of hems, is not going to pay his doubts. He needs to think for his wife and his child.
Step. 4- O: State the important and probable out comes or consequences of each main solution on peoples live.
                I think at first he is going to see a little bit of inconformance, starting whit his father and continue with his friends or neighbors. But here I think that should be passing sooner or later.
Step. 5- L: Described the likely impact of each main solution on people’s lives.
            Maybe he in a future moment in that work receives the opportunity in a new department, or supervisor.
Step. 6- V: Explain the values upheld and those violated by each main solution.
·        The dignity
·        Freedom the expression

Step. 7- E2: Evaluate each main solution and its outcomes likely impact, and the values upheld and violated by it. Compare the possible solution to each other and weigh them.
·        The carbon manufacturing company violated the rights of workers such poor working conditions.
·        The company planned to replace the union strikers permanently. 

Step. 8- D1:  Decide which solution is the best; state it, clarify its details, and justify in.
For us the best decision would take the job, giving priority to my family and seeking after another, to give me better performance
Step. 9- D2: Defend the decision against objections to its main weaknesses.
                                My family is priority.